Today is 5th of April, Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter.
My family as usual will go to church to join the Sunday service, but this year, it was a bit particular as we celebrated our Palm Sunday at Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC, for this year. We joined the Chinese language Mass.
After we picked some Palm leaves from a basket which full of blessed Palm leaves, we enter the church and recited Rosary prayers with the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ.
Of course, we will bring back the palms.
The Palm Sunday is a day for us to remember the glorious of Lord Jesus Christ when He entered the Holy Town of Jerusalem, 2000 years back. The event took place shortly before His death on the cross on Good Friday.
Jesus Christ was celebrated merrily by the people of Jerusalem when He entered tpo that city. The multitudes lay all palm branches and their finest clothes on the grounds; it’s an act to respect and honor the Son of God.
Besides that, the people also shouted the praises to God, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest! (Matthew 21:9)”
How great were His names!
After celebrated the Palm Sunday, It recalled us to the season of Holy Week. The arrival of Holy Week is the end of the season of Lent (season of fast and repentance).
Before Easter (the day of where Jesus Christ rose from the death) arrive, we celebrate Maundy Thursday (so-called Lord’s Supper), during that season, the Priests will renew their vows and the elders form the church will wash our foots. As an act of humbleness. Then, the Catholic Faith churches will hold vigil, we will pray for the whole night.
On Good Friday, we will recall back the scene how Jesus died for us on the cross~ it’s a solemn Holy day, the center of the faith of Christianity.
Then, we celebrate a very happy feast start from Saturday night till Monday Night, it will be EASTER DAY~ the day when Jesus Christ rose from death!
It’s a brief introduction to the Holy days that celebrate by most Christians of One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith in the world. (=.=”) wahaha~
Please read it with an open mind~
I am going to think about what I will receive from this Easter day, this year.
My family as usual will go to church to join the Sunday service, but this year, it was a bit particular as we celebrated our Palm Sunday at Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC, for this year. We joined the Chinese language Mass.
After we picked some Palm leaves from a basket which full of blessed Palm leaves, we enter the church and recited Rosary prayers with the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ.
Of course, we will bring back the palms.
The Palm Sunday is a day for us to remember the glorious of Lord Jesus Christ when He entered the Holy Town of Jerusalem, 2000 years back. The event took place shortly before His death on the cross on Good Friday.
Jesus Christ was celebrated merrily by the people of Jerusalem when He entered tpo that city. The multitudes lay all palm branches and their finest clothes on the grounds; it’s an act to respect and honor the Son of God.
Besides that, the people also shouted the praises to God, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest! (Matthew 21:9)”
How great were His names!
After celebrated the Palm Sunday, It recalled us to the season of Holy Week. The arrival of Holy Week is the end of the season of Lent (season of fast and repentance).
Before Easter (the day of where Jesus Christ rose from the death) arrive, we celebrate Maundy Thursday (so-called Lord’s Supper), during that season, the Priests will renew their vows and the elders form the church will wash our foots. As an act of humbleness. Then, the Catholic Faith churches will hold vigil, we will pray for the whole night.
On Good Friday, we will recall back the scene how Jesus died for us on the cross~ it’s a solemn Holy day, the center of the faith of Christianity.
Then, we celebrate a very happy feast start from Saturday night till Monday Night, it will be EASTER DAY~ the day when Jesus Christ rose from death!
It’s a brief introduction to the Holy days that celebrate by most Christians of One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith in the world. (=.=”) wahaha~
Please read it with an open mind~
I am going to think about what I will receive from this Easter day, this year.
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